Terms and Conditions


The below terms and conditions related to mutual fund should be read in conjunction with our common Terms and conditions, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer available on our website www.mastertrust.co.in

The amount required for the purchase of units will be debited from your bank account and credited to your account of Clearing Corporation (ICCL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of BSE Ltd. NAV (Net Asset Value) on investments shall be applicable based on the Cut off time and date of fund realization in the bank account of Clearing Corporation/AMC. Master Capital Services Limited (MCSL) uses payment gateway services of BSE Star.

MCSL Cut off Time:

Scheme CategoryScheme Cut-off Timing
LO*1:00 p.m.3:00 p.m.NANANA
Liquid (L1)2:30 p.m.3:00 p.m.2:30 p.m.2:30 p.m.2:30 p.m.
Debt2:30 p.m.3:00 p.m.2:30 p.m.2:30 p.m.2:30 p.m.
Equity2:30 p.m.3:00 p.m.2:30 p.m.2:30 p.m.2:30 p.m.

*LO: For liquid scheme purchase prior to the cut off time, the previous day’s NAV will be applicable subject to fund credit in ICCL (Indian Clearing Corporation Ltd.)

Master Capital Services Limited (MCSL) is a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, CIN number- U67190HR1994PLC076366, having its registered office at A-852-A, Basement, Sushant Lok, Phase-I, Gurugram, Haryana- 122002 and Corporate office at 1012, 10th Floor Arunachal Building 19 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001

  1. MCSL Membership Details:
  • SEBI Regn No: INZ000210539
  • AMFI Regn No: ARN-58711
  • Research Analyst SEBI Regn No: INH000002194
  1. Ensure you are an eligible investor as per the scheme-related documents and not prohibited from dealing in capital markets, directly or indirectly, under any order/ruling/judgement etc. of any regulator, including SEBI.
  2. Ensure you should not receive nor have been induced by any gift or rebate to invest.
  3. No transaction fees are charged by MCSL on Mutual Fund investments.
  4. All payments made for investments in mutual funds should be from your own Bank Account and out of the funds obtained from legitimate sources. In the case of a joint bank account, you should be one of the holders of the bank account and also authorized by the other bank account holder for making such transfers.
  5. Any investment being made through any 3rd party Bank Account (Bank account other than the applicant’s account mapped with us in MF Segment), then the same is liable to be rejected by AMC/ICCL/MCSL. In case of fund is debited then refund of the same will be as per ICCL timelines.
  6. All Mutual Fund transactions are subject to the respective AMC’s Terms and Conditions. AMC's SID, KIM, Factsheets and other scheme related document can be checked at respective AMC's website link or on www.mastertrust.co.in > Links > AMCs Website Link or click http://bit.ly/3EJWBCu to visit respective AMCs website.
  7. In the case of a non-resident Indian or overseas citizen(s) of India, the funds should be remitted from abroad only through approved banking channels and only form such bank accounts which are permitted under the law.
  8. The calculators, tools and goal planning are provided to assist you in investment journey. You are requested to make your own investment decisions at your own will.
  9. MCSL does not receive any commission from AMC on any mutual fund investments made in a Direct Plan.
  10. With effect from 1st July 2020. A Stamp Duty of 0.005% will be levied on all Purchase, Dividend reinvestment and Switch mutual fund transactions as per the rated determined by the Government of India. Accordingly, units will be allotted net off stamp duty.
  11. MCSL uses third party data content including AMC logos (provided by CMOTs) and scheme rankings (CRISIL) on Master Wealth platform and will be governed by their respective terms. Users are advised to invest at their own discretion.
  12. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, please read key information Memorandum, Scheme Information Document, Statement of additional information, Instructions and other information including risk factors and regulations of the mutual fund/scheme and online facility carefully before making investments in Mutual Funds. The NAVs of the schemes may go up or down depending upon the factors and forces affecting the securities market including the fluctuations in the interest rates. The past performance of the mutual funds is not necessarily indicative of future performance of the schemes. The MCSL / AMC / Mutual Fund is not guaranteeing or assuring any dividend under any of the schemes and the same is subject to the availability and adequacy of distributable surplus. Investors are requested to review the prospectus carefully and obtain expert professional advice with regard to specific legal, tax and financial implications of the investment/participation in the scheme.